Beta Blocker Atenolol to Modify Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Cats: Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Atenolol is a beta blocker commonly used by veterinarians to treat specific heart rhythm problems, hypertension, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats. This class of drugs works to block the beta specific receptors which in turn can reduce symptoms such as artificially increased blood sugar, a too-fast heart rate, and increased blood pressure – similar to the effects of an ‘adrenalin rush’.
Interesting Summary Points:
1. Using beta blockers in cats with HCM did not influence symptoms 2. Using beta blockers in cats with HCM did not extend or shorten life 3. Beta blockers did reduce blood pressure and reduce heart rate which are desirable in HCM cases 4. Beta blockers are well tolerated by cats and their dosing is pretty consistent and well worked out. 5. Metoprolol is, at this writing, discontinued.
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